Witch: A Horror Novel (The Cursed Manuscripts) Read online

Page 8

  He took a few more moments to catch his breath and then surveyed the muddy slope before him. He planned to climb it in the same way he had yesterday – by using a sharp and sturdy stick. It took him several moments, but eventually he found one suitable. Before he started climbing, he pulled out his phone and considered making a call. When he saw he had no signal, the idea went away fast.

  He moved to the bottom of the slope and planted the stick a couple of feet up. He heaved himself upwards and repeated the process several times until he was halfway up.

  Then he cried out in pain.

  A sudden jolt ran through his palm and shocked him, causing him to drop the stick. Before he could reach out and reclaim it, it was already sliding back down the slope.

  “Shit!” Jude teetered without support, looking back at an eight-foot fall. He spotted the jagged rock he had only just missed yesterday.

  Help me!

  He threw himself down on his belly, clinging to the buried roots and pieces of stones that were embedded in the mud. His hand throbbed painfully, and as he lay there on his stomach, he pulled it in front of his face. The bandage his mother had applied came loose, the ends flapping and dirty with mud. Wanting to see what had caused the sudden jolt of pain, he grasped the bandage between his teeth and unravelled it. The fabric was short and soon came free of his hand. Not wanting to reapply the filthy piece of cloth, he let it fall into the mud. Then he turned his hand over to examine his palm.

  He screamed and panicked. He nearly fell, and only just got hold of himself in time to keep from tumbling backwards. Forcing himself to breathe, Jude kept his panic at bay. He dug his left hand into the ground and raised his right.

  The fat worm wriggled in his wound, thrashing back and forth like it was trying to get free. Blood leaked down his palm and dripped onto his wrist. He felt the worm’s every movement, sharp and dagger-like. Unable to let go of the slope, Jude brought his palm to his mouth and bit down on the worm. He yanked his hand away, stretching the worm until it burst free of his wound. The pain was immense, and he feared a pound of flesh had torn loose with the worm, but when he looked, there was only a normal-looking cut. The gash was open and sore, but it looked okay. All the same, Jude spat the worm out and shuddered with revulsion and fear. There was no rational explanation for how a worm had got into his wound.

  Jude needed to focus on what was important: getting help for Ashley and the woman. His injuries would have to wait until later.

  He continued dragging himself up the slope, but he suddenly slid backwards. Undeterred, he clambered upwards again, digging in his toes and pushing with his legs. Again, he slid backwards. He cried out in frustration, not understanding. The mud beneath him was shifting, liquefying. It was as if the ground itself was trying to keep him from escaping.

  An anxious bird took flight in his chest and descended into his stomach. He panted and moaned.

  Don’t panic, Jude. Do not panic.

  I can do this.

  The trusted mage will not give up. The warrior princess is relying on him.

  With a defiant shout, Jude dug both hands into the mud and ignored the pain in his injured palm. He pushed with both feet, launching himself upwards. Before the mud had time to fight him, he dug his hands in again and launched himself a second time. With everything he had left, he scrambled up the slope.

  The slope became a vertical swamp, as much liquid as it was solid. It gave off a stink, something awful, and it felt like Jude was wading through shit. He did not give up, propelling himself forward.

  He slid backwards.

  No. I’m getting out of here.

  He threw himself upwards one last time, his hands sinking into the wet mud. He planted his feet flat against the slope and took a risk – he stood up straight. Gravity tried to pull him backwards, but before it had a chance, he threw himself toward the top of the slope. He landed painfully on hard, flat ground.

  He rolled onto his back, panting and laughing.

  He had succeeded.

  The noble mage’s quest continues.

  He spent the next couple of minutes on his back, knowing he had to get going again but needing to catch his breath first. Climbing the muddy hill had taken everything out of him, and he was absolutely caked in rancid mud. His stomach gurgled and begged him to puke. His legs were numb. Yet he felt energised and alive too.

  He got back to his feet and continued on. It wouldn’t take long to get back to the footpath. Then he could race home and have his mum call the police. This time, PC Riaz would have no option except to believe him. Like Ashley, he wanted an apology.

  I want to be a hero.

  As he moved through the woods, it was as if the very trees were trying to impede him. Maybe it was his numb legs making him clumsy, but he tripped and stumbled every few feet and scratched himself on nearly every bush. Once or twice he had to double back and find an alternative route as the way ahead became impassable. It took a while for him to make it to the edge of the woods, but through the final swaths of bushes, he spotted the footpath.

  He stepped into the shallow ditch and prepared to run the rest of the way home. He had just taken his first step when something collided with him. Unable to keep from falling, he tripped over his feet and collapsed into the ditch. A pitiful cry escaped his lips as his wounded palm came down on a pile of sharp twigs.

  Before he knew what was happening, he was being dragged back to his feet by unkind hands. Ricky Dalca glared at him. “We’ve been looking for you, Judy. Where’s flabby tits? You two never go nowhere without each other.”

  “Sh-She’s in the woods. Devil’s Ditch. I’m going to get help.”

  Lily stood behind Ricky. He turned to her and exchanged a confused look. When he turned back to Jude, he was frowning. “What are you talking about? Help for what? Why are you covered in so much fucking mud?”

  Jude tried to pull away, but Ricky had both hands clenched around his T-shirt. He had no choice but to answer the question. “She… I… We need to call the police, Ricky.”

  “Fuck that,” said Lily. “What the hell do you need the police for?”

  Maybe to arrest you two psychopaths.

  What do I tell them?

  It would be good to share the burden of what he knew, but there was always a chance they wouldn’t believe him and beat him up anyway. There was also the possibility that they would believe him and beat him up. It was hard to tell with Ricky and Lily. “We-We-We found a w-woman in the w-w-woods. She needs help. Please, just let me go.”

  For a moment, both Ricky and Lily were silent. Then, in unison, they both let out a laugh.

  Lily sucked her teeth and stamped her foot like it was hilarious. “Judy has proper gone and lost it now, mate. Woman in the woods? What the fuck?”

  “I’m telling the truth. She’s chained up in an old farmhouse.”

  Ricky frowned, no longer laughing. “There ain’t no houses in these woods, you freak. There ain’t jack shit.”

  “He’s talking bollocks,” said Lily. “He’s just trying to avoid getting a good beating.”

  Jude tried to pull away again, but it was still impossible to get free. He grunted, then sighed in defeat. “Look, you guys, I’m telling the truth. Once the police get involved, they’re not gunna be happy hearing how you stopped me from getting help for somebody who needs it.”

  A fist struck Jude right in the centre of his torso and sent the air wailing from his lungs. He doubled over, groaning in misery, but Ricky forced him to stand back up straight. “I don’t talk to the fucking police, you little wanker. You get the pigs onto me and I’ll stamp on your skull and leave you a vegetable. D’you get me?”

  Jude couldn’t breathe, let alone speak, so he just nodded repeatedly. Now, more than ever, he wanted to run home. He was tired of being hurt and afraid and weak. He wanted his mum.

  “Hey! What are you kids up to?”

  Lily swore. “Fuck! Someone’s coming. Get him into the woods, Ricky.”

frowned. “What?”

  “Get him in the woods, innit? I want to see what him and his girlfriend are up to in there.”

  Jude searched for the passer-by who had attempted to intervene. It was an old man walking a dog, but he was thirty metres away at least. When Ricky and Lily started dragging him across the ditch and into the woods, he knew there wasn’t going to be any rescue. Even if the passer-by wanted to help, he was too old. He would never catch up with them in the woods.

  Jude tried one last time to struggle free, but Ricky punched him in the small of the back and took the fight right out of him. “Forget it, Judy,” he said. “You ain’t going anywhere.” He bent Jude’s arm behind his back and marched him forward. “Let’s go see this woman. And if you’re lying, I’m going to bury you out here, understand?”

  Jude nodded and held back tears.

  Chapter Eleven

  Rose didn’t stop talking. She continued spouting gibberish, mixed in with the odd moment of sense. What Ashley didn’t like at all, however, was how the woman kept acting as if she knew all about her life. She kept going on about how Ashley was being held down and silenced, and that there was an entire world waiting for her if she just seized her power as a woman and took what she wanted. Although she could have been saying it about anyone, Rose’s words somehow resonated with Ashley. She did feel powerless.

  Powerless and angry.

  Ashley edged towards the open doorway. “I… I think I might just check outside and see if anybody’s coming.” The truth was she needed some fresh air. The stink of the dead animals – and Rose herself – was making her nauseous. She also couldn’t take anymore of the woman’s babbling.

  Her madness is gunna drive me insane.

  Rose yanked on her chains but showed no discomfort as they tugged at her wounds and made the exposed bones in her hands visibly flex. “Stay! Release me so that you and I may leave here. Do not allow me to be rescued by so-called good men. There are no good men in this world, Ashley.”

  “I’ve already told you, I can’t free you. Somebody will be here soon. Jude will be back. Just… be patient.”

  Even though the woman protested, Ashley left Rose alone in the strange symbol-covered room. It felt wrong, but at least she wasn’t running away like last time. She just needed some air.

  I’m not going anywhere. I’m not leaving her.

  I just can’t be right next to her.

  Outside, the clearing had grown dull. Beyond the thick canopy of trees, the sun had retreated behind the clouds. With a shudder, she looked around, eyeing the thick bushes and broad tree trunks.

  The sicko could be hiding anywhere.

  He could be watching me right now. If Jude doesn’t get back soon with help, he might find me lying dead beside Rose.

  Please hurry up, Jude.

  The stench from inside the farmhouse followed her outside, and even when she stepped away from the building, her nausea continued. She spotted the dead squirrel lying on the ground and grimaced at the maggots and worms feasting on its corpse. Then she spotted something similar nearby – another dead animal – but larger. A flash of white in the corpse’s bloody grey fur told her it might have once been a badger. She’d never seen one before, but apparently they were dangerous. Like the squirrel, the badger’s rotting remains were riddled with maggots and worms. She could almost hear them squirming.

  Ashley yelped as something in the nearby trees moved. She glanced to her left and saw the bushes shaking. Her immediate thought was that the sicko was coming to get her, but when she realised it was Jude, she put her hands on her knees and doubled over. “Fuck, it’s you! Did you find any—”

  Ricky and Lily appeared, shoving Jude and marching him through the gap between the bushes.

  Ashley groaned and instinctively took a step back.

  What the hell are they doing here?

  “What the fuck is going on, Jude? Are you okay?”

  Jude didn’t look happy. He was covered in mud, and from the way Ricky was wrenching his arm behind his back, it was clear he hadn’t brought the two bullies back with him willingly. When Jude turned towards Ashley, he looked utterly defeated. He mouthed the word ‘sorry’.

  She tried to smile to let him know it was okay, but she couldn’t manage it. Instead of help, he had brought the exact opposite. “Jude, did you call the police?”

  “No one is calling the police,” said Lily. She broke away from Ricky and marched towards Ashley. “D’you get me, slag?”

  Ashley clenched her fists. “This has nothing to do with you, Lily, so fuck off. We need to call the police. There’s a—”

  “A woman, yeah. Judy told us all about it. So come on, where is she? Inside that house?” Lily looked over at the farmhouse and put her hands on her hips. “Can’t believe this place is out here in the middle of the woods. Wonder if there’s anything worth stealing.”

  “Why are you even here, Lily?” Ashley snarled. “You usually hang around the shops, so why are you here messing with us?”

  She shrugged. “Got caught robbing, innit. Lying low for a while. Think we might be hanging around the playground for a while, so sure we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.” She started towards the farmhouse.

  Jude called out from where Ricky was still restraining him at the edge of the clearing. “Don’t go in there. The woman inside is afraid. She needs help.”

  “Shut it!” Ricky shoved Jude in the back and sent him stumbling forward. He quickly regained his balance and rushed over to Ashley’s side. She put a hand on his arm and squeezed.

  Lily walked towards the farmhouse, but Ashley hurried to block her. “Don’t!”

  “Get the fuck out of my way.”

  “You can’t go in there. The woman’s name is Rose, and she’s in a bad way. Jude was going to call the police to get some help.”

  Jude looked at Ashley. “You know her name? Did she speak to you?”

  “A bit.”

  Lily looked back at Ricky. “You believe this shit?”

  Ricky shrugged. He actually seemed a little unnerved by the situation. Whatever had happened out in the woods between him and Jude, he probably hadn’t actually believed that there was an old farmhouse out here. “Maybe we should bounce,” he said. “If the pigs are gunna end up getting involved, I don’t wanna be.”

  Lily rolled her eyes. “Don’t you want to know if these two freaks are telling the truth? If they are, there’s a naked fuck toy in that house, and I want to see her for myself. Come on, Ricky, let’s just go take a quick look.”

  Ricky nodded. “I suppose we can take a quick look. If there is a woman in there, though, we should get the fuck out of here. Let Judy and flabby tits deal with the headache.”

  “You’re not going in there,” said Ashley, refusing to move out of Lily’s way.

  Lily expelled a gust of air from her nostrils like a snorting bull. She glanced back at Ricky again, a slight smirk on her pale, freckle-covered face. Then she threw a punch that struck Ashley right in the side of the head and sent her stumbling to the ground. She came down right on top of the dead badger and yelled in horror and disgust. She rolled away into the grass and frantically wiped her hands on her T-shirt.

  Jude tried to help her, but Ricky reached out and grabbed the back of his T-shirt. The two of them did a dance, Jude trying to break free and Ricky fighting to hold on to him. Eventually, Jude escaped and made it over to Ashley.

  Her head was spinning, and when she tried to get up, her legs folded and she fell back down. Lily had really given her a wallop. Jude got down in the grass beside her and put an arm around her. “Are you okay?”

  “That… That bitch. I’m going to fucking kill her.”

  Lily pulled out her knife and pressed the release. The blade slid out with an audible snick! “Still has your blood on it,” she purred. “Stay down or I’ll let it drink some more. Come on, Ricky, let’s have a mooch inside this house.”

  Ricky sniggered, but there was a slight nervousness in his eyes.
He kept glancing around at the bushes, and when he made eye contact with Ashley, he almost appeared sorry. It didn’t stop him catching up to Lily, though.

  Ashley rubbed the side of her jaw and moaned while she and Jude sat in the grass. “I hope they break their necks in there,” she said.

  Jude nodded. “I tried to get help, Ash, I swear. I was nearly home, but I ran straight into the two of them. I’m sorry.”

  Ashley grabbed the back of his messy brown hair and pulled their foreheads together. “This isn’t your fault, Jude. The world is full of fucking arseholes, but you’re not one of them. We’ll get help, I promise.”

  “So long as Ricky and Lily don’t kill us and leave our bodies in this clearing.”

  “Not happening.” Ashley got up, testing her legs to make sure they were once again obeying her brain. Jude stood up beside her, keeping a hand on her back. She looked at him, dismayed by the state of him but also annoyed that he let these things happen. Why didn’t he ever defend himself? Why did she always have to be the one to stand up to Ricky and Lily, or whatever bullshit they were dealing with that day? “We have to go back inside, Jude. Lily’s a goddamn psycho. There’s no telling what she’ll do. We need to protect Rose.”

  Jude frowned. “They’re just going to look around. What’s the worst they can do?”

  “With those two, who knows? We can’t leave Rose alone with them, but I can’t stand up to them by myself. I need you to have my back, Jude. One down, two down, right?”

  “I don’t think I can…” Jude didn’t finish what he was saying. He nodded. “One down, two down.”

  Ashley started towards the farmhouse. Jude followed. No sound came from inside the building, and the exposed roof timbers cast angular shadows across the clearing. No part of the place was welcoming. Ashley glanced at Jude before she went up the steps, making sure he was still with her. He had turned pale beneath his muddy mask, and he was trembling slightly, but he gave her a nod to show he had her back. So long as he didn’t panic, she trusted him.